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Cincinnati Groundhog Removal

At Animal Remover we provide safe, humane, reliable, and effective groundhog (aka woodchuck, whistle pig, or land beaver) removal, trapping, and control. If you have a groundhog or a family of groundhogs that are causing damage to your landscape we can help.


Groundhog Removal

There is not a groundhog problem that we can’t handle. Goundhogs will dig large holes close to your foundation that they will den in and birth their young. They will build up large piles of dirt with the dirt that they dig out of their burrows. We use only the most up to date groundhog removal equipment, traps, and techniques to take care of your problem.

Woodchuck Removal, Trapping & Control in Cincinnati, NKY, Oxford & Dayton

Groundhogs are classified as a nuisance animal species due to their habits of burrowing large holes next to the foundations of homes and buildings. The most common groundhog complaints include the following:

For these reasons, many people wish to have this nuisance groundhogs (also known as woodchucks, whistle pigs, or land beavers) trapped and removed from their properties.

Groundhogs digging in lawn.

Groundhogs eating landscape flowers.

Groundhogs eating the heads off of potted plant flowers.

Groundhog digging burrow next to shed.

Groundhog living under porch.

Groundhog living under deck.

Groundhog stuck in window well.

Groundhog in basement.

Groundhog inside home.

Foundation sinking due to groundhog burrows.


Groundhog Biology

These large rodents are herbivores which mean they eat primarily plant material. Groundhogs hibernate throughout the winter and when they emerge in early march or mid – late April for breeding. The male and female groundhog will live in the same burrow for 31-32 days during the gestation period. In late April or May 2-6 baby groundhogs are born they will stay will their mother from 4-6 weeks before going out on their own.

Groundhog Behavior

Groundhogs are diurnal which means they are active during the day light hours and sleep at night. When alarmed or if predators are nearby groundhogs will make a high pitched whistle sound which is why some people call groundhogs whistle pigs. Despite their short legs and stocky bodies groundhogs are good tree climbers and excellent swimmers when escaping predators like coyotes.


Nuisance Concerns

Groundhogs dig burrows near foundations, next to sheds, under decks, beneath porches, near patios, and in hillsides. This can cause thousands of dollars of damage to your foundation. Animal Remover can provide groundhog removal services to rid you of all those expensive damages.

Groundhog Diseases

Groundhogs can carry parasites, and thus are vectors for the diseases that fleas and ticks can transmit.


How to get rid of groundhog:

The only proven method for groundhog removal is through trapping, habitat modification, and exclusion. Groundhogs will not respond to repellents, strobe lights, loud music, mothballs, or ammonia. We have traveled to many properties where these methods have failed. Covering up a groundhogs burrow will not do any good; they will just dig around it. We provide professional and humane groundhog trapping, removal, and control. Call today to schedule an appointment so that we catch the groundhog that is causing problems on your property.

We offer Groundhog Removal Services in the following areas:

Cincinnati OH, West Chester OH, Mason OH, Fairfield OH, Oxford OH, Northern KY and SE IN
