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Bed Bug Services

At Animal Remover we provide the fastest and most professional bed bug service. Our highly trained professional bed bug treatment technicians are specially trained and licensed to resolve active bed bug problems and bed bug infestations.


Bed Bug Services

If you select Animal Remover to service your bed bug problems you can rest easy knowing that you’re covered by out bed bug guarantee. At Animal Remover we provide an unbeatable bed bug warranty. As long as we are actively performing preventive bedbug treatments and inspections we guarantee that we will kill the bedbugs. We provide same day and nest day bedbug treatment services.



We offer the following bed bug services

Conventional pesticide applications

Bed bug Heat Treatment

Bed bug Inspection

Beg bug fumigation

Bed bug dog Inspection

Bed bug Treatment

Bed bug Extermination

Bed bug Pest Control

Bed bug Management

Bed bug liquid residual application

Annual bed bug Inspection

Same Day bed bug Services

Next Day bed bug Services

Same Day bed bug Inspection

Next Day bed bug Inspection

Same Day bed bug Treatment

Next Day bed bug Treatment

Frequently Asked Bed Bug Questions

A bed bug is parasitic residential infesting pest. Beds bugs are nocturnal and have the ability to bite and feed on people. Bed bugs are reddish brown in color. Bed bugs do not have wings.

In beds, under the mattress, behind pictures, electrical outlets, in carpet, couches, couch cushions, and crevices of the mattress.

A bed bug can be up to ¼ of an inch long. They can be as small as the head of a ball point pen or as large as an eraser on a pencil.

Bed bug colors can come in a wide range. From a translucent color to tannish to darker brown to darker red to black.

Bed bugs are small 6 legged crawling insects that in adult form are about the size of pencil eraser and are reddish brown in color. They do not have wings. of Bed bugs look similar to bat bugs.

Bed bugs cannot jump. They lack the power in their legs to jump like a flea. Fleas can jump by storing power is an elastic protein referred to as resilin. Fleas can store and generate lots of energy which allow them to keep jumping.

A bed bug exterminator is a pest control professional that is licensed to apply chemical to eradicate bedbug populations.

Cost depends on the level of the infestation. It also varies based on the number of rooms infested. Articles of furniture can be also be infested. The type of treatment methods plays a role in the cost as well.

You can vacuum age eggs or use a moist or dry paper towel. You can also perform a heat treatment to kill bed bug eggs.

you can vacuum age eggs or use a moist or dry paper towel. You can also perform a heat treatment to kill bed bug eggs.

Bed bug treatment can take up to 90 days.

Move all furniture away from the baseboards and into the middle of the room. Bag up all clothing in the affective room. Wash and dry all clothing on the high heat setting of your dryer. Make sure that cabinet and kitchen goods are organized and picked up.

Bed bugs can be killed with a liquid residual insecticide, heat can kill bed bugs if they are directly exposed to temperatures that are 118 degrees and above for 90 minutes, boiling water will kill bed bugs, insecticide fumigation will kill bed bugs, fire will kill bed bugs, and bedbug freeze treatments will kill bed bugs.

All though it is possible and some homeowners have been able to completely DIY their own bed bug treatment it’s not recommended. We recommend that you have a licensed and trained professional assess and treat your bedbug situation.

Bed bug treatment cost varies based on the size of the infestation and the locations where bed bugs are present.

We have several offices that provide local bedbug services near you!

Bed Bug Facts

Bed bugs are flat Grow up to 5 mm in length

Bed bugs don’t jump. If someone is complaining about jumping insects it’s usually fleas especially between your knee and ankle

Bed bugs are oval are wingless

Oval shaped and flat like paper

Lifespan of 1 year or so

Females bed bugs can lay 1-7 eggs per day

They will travel up to 100 feet for a blood meal

An apartments and condos they will travel from unit to unit. You are at greater risk in these places of bedbugs

Bedbugs lay dormant for up to a year and half

Female bed bugs lay 3-4 eggs at a time

Bed bug eggs hatch in 8 to 14 days

Bed bug Eggs are white in color and are about the same shape as rice grains. Eggs are about 1/5 the size of a rice grain

Bed Bug poop will turn red if you spray it with water whereas cockroach excrement won’t.

In 1944 studies showed that bed bugs started to become resistant to DDT. DDT is no longer legal for use on bedbu

Bed bug spray alone will not work

Caulking and exclusion is a good method to prevent bedbugs from traveling to different areas

Bed bugs don’t discriminate. Anyone can get bedbugs

Bedbugs do not transmit any communicable diseases. Their bodies don’t allow viruses to replicate. People that may have bedbugs might trigger their allergies.

Some bed bug problems are so extensive that you have to move out temporality to have proper treatment.

Don’t be embarrassed about bed bugs.

Preparation is key to resolving a bed bug problem.

To prepare for a bed bug treatment you should Clean items and clutter in the infected area and surrounding areas. These things create harborage sites where bed bugs can hide.

Application of residual insecticide

Sprays are only effective on bedbugs that have already hatched from eggs.

Sometimes it can 3 months or more to eliminate a severe bed bug problem.

If someone has bedbugs on their person that means they have a very large infestation.

The key to keep away bedbugs is for people to change their behaviors.

Things like keeping clothing separate from your bed and you’re bedding.

The female doesn’t have any open parts.

Tragic insemination is the way bed bugs mate.

In order for males to mate they must stab the females. Because of this the females stay away from the males. This is often the reason that females are usually the ones to first travel to other areas.

If you have bedbugs at work we recommend you change your clothing and shoes before you leave work and try to do laundry at work or bag your clothing and shoes in a sealed plastic bag until you can get them into a dryer. Heat from the dryer will kill all stages of bedbugs.

Bedbugs in back packs - Bedbugs will hang out in groves and cracks of back packs. This allows bedbugs to be transported. It’s very common to find bedbug infestations in schools. Especially lockers.

Bedbugs in books - Bedbugs will hide in between the pages of books. This allows bedbugs to easily be transported to schools and libraries.

Bedbugs in shoes - Bedbugs like to hide in the small cracks around your shoe laces. If Bedbugs are on the bottom of your shoes they usually drop off as you travel.

When bed bugs bite they feed in a line and they usually leave track marks. This is usually identifiable by the presence of 3 bites in a row.

Bedbugs have very poor eyesight. They track a person through their carbon dioxide trail and their heat trail.

As a bedbug population grows they travel further and further to other areas for blood meals.

Common misconception is that you can’t see bedbugs. This isn’t necessarily true. You can see bedbugs clearly in their fully grown adult form. You can also see some of the nymph-stages. You will see bedbugs crawling across the floor, on clothing, in books, in backpacks, or on furniture and bedding.

You can see bedbug eggs! Most people consider bedbug eggs to be dust. Bedbug eggs are usually found in clusters of 3 or 4. They tend to continue to lay eggs in the same place.

Bedbugs typically become active around 11pm and start to feed between 3am and 6am. However, if the population is very large they will breed during the day.

Bedbugs will die in the cold but you must keep the area at at least 68 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 14 days. If the bedbug is able to find an area that is slightly protected they can stay alive.

Heat kills all stages or bed bugs even the eggs.

Bedbugs are the fastest growing pest problem.

Bedbugs prefer human blood.

Bedbugs don’t only live in beds.

They hide in gaps between walls and baseboards.

We know that bedbugs were found in ancient Egypt.

Bedbugs originated in caves in the Middle East. The first humans that bedbugs ever fed on were most likely cave people.

Bedbugs enter diapause and can survive without a meal for over a year.

In the 1950’s bedbugs were almost completely wiped out in the 1950’s by DDT.

More bed bug facts

Parasites that feed only on human blood and usually only seek at night.

Hitchhiker pests, spread by attaching to people or objects brought into the home.

Adult females lay hundreds of eggs in a short period of time.

Most bites are located on arms, shoulders and legs.

Bed bugs have existed for over 100 million years.

Can live 12-18 months without food.

Bed bugs leave trails of droppings as they walk. Black, chalky spots.

To date, they do not transmit disease.

Bed bugs live near the food source. Mattress, box spring, headboard but as they over populate, they can spread throughout the room.

Eggs can hatch in 4-12 days.

Bed bugs molt and leave an exoskeleton.

Transmit a sweat musky odor.

Bed bugs inject an anesthetic and an anticoagulant that prevents a person from realizing they are being bitten.

Babies have to have a blood meal in order to molt into an adult

Bed bugs are attracted to warmth.

Most pesticides do not kill the eggs.

After feeding, bed bugs move to secluded places and hide for 5-10 days. During this time, they do not feed but instead digest their meal, mate and lay eggs.

Once a bed bug finds a host, it will usually feed for 5 to 10 minutes until repletion.

Infestations are not due to sanitary issues can happen to anyone.

Bed bugs can survive temperatures of nearly freezing to 122 degrees.

Signs of a bed bug infestation

Black chalky spots on your mattress or box spring.

Blood spots on your sheets.

Seeing the bed bugs themselves.

Small waxy circles clumped together on bedding.

Insect castings from when the bed bugs molt.

Black chalky spots on the corners of walls, in baseboards, and in crevices.

Sweet musky odor in the infected area. This sweet musky odor is similar to cilantro

Tips and Tricks on how to keep bed bugs away

Early detection by having frequent inspections.

After leaving a potentially infested bedbug area you should check your clothing, shoes, backpacks, purses, and suit cases.

If you suspect that bedbugs are present do not sit on chairs, couches, or bedding.

On-going monitoring with the use of insect monitoring glue boards.

Preventative bedbug treatment.

When leaving a suspected bed bug infested area store all clothing in plastic bags and place in the dryer.

Be aware of your surroundings. Know that high traffic sleeping areas are usually susceptible for bedbug infestations.

Signs of bed bug bites

Bed bug bites are not painful because they inject anticoagulant or blood thinner along with an anesthetic to create a numbing effect as they feed.

Feeding takes about 5-10 minutes

The most common threat is from the bed bug bite itself.

The bite can we raised and very itchy.

Bedbugs are attracted to the steady stream of carbon dioxide they we exhale while we sleep.

If the bedbug bite is scratched it can become infected.

You are likely to have an exaggerated skin reaction if you have been bitten over and over again by bedbugs in the same area.

Bite can be small puncture wounds or can be large red raised bumps.

Usually, people see the bites when they wake up.

Sometimes the bite reaction may take up to 2 weeks to develop.

Bed bug bites are usually lined up next to each other.

The bites appear on exposed areas like the neck, face, hand, legs, or arms.

Bedbug bites can take up to 3-6 weeks to completely heal.

Symptoms of secondary infection could include swelling, tenderness, and fever.

The bedbug bite itself does not require treatment.

It’s very important to clean the bed bug bites and consult your doctor for treatment.
