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Selling Home

When selling a home having an animal problem can be a serious issue for the not only the buyer but also the seller. Some people have certain fears of animals that can totally kill a home sale. We have seen very large and expensive home sales that have fell through due to a simple mouse problem.


Selling A Home That May Have An Animal Or Pest Problem

When someone is considering purchasing a home they almost always have a home inspection. The home inspection can often times unearth some problems that you the seller may not even be aware of. Sometimes the request from the buyer can be unreasonable. This is why you need someone to work on your behalf to make sure that you are being treated fairly.

Before you put your home on the market we recommend having a professional animal inspection to determine if there is something that you are not aware of. This is best in order to prevent you from having any surprises when listing your home. It is much easier to solve animal problem before you list the home in order to make the necessary repairs and cleanup so that when you do list the home and the buyer has a home inspection there won’t be any issues. The last thing you want is to get that call from the realtor telling you that the buyers have backed out for something that could have easily been taken care of. Sellers often spend unnecessary time and money attempting to sell a home with problems when it’s something that could have been taken care of prior to listing and the situation could have been avoided all together.

The longer your home sits on the market the more time and money it is going to cost to maintain. So if you want to get things rolling and have the sale handled quickly you want to make sure all problems with the property are addressed prior to the sale. Often times buyers will negotiate the price of the home in anticipation for how much they think or guess dealing with the animal problem will cost in the long run if not taken care of prior to the sale. This may seem like the logical option seeing as how you would not have to be directly involved in the project, it could save you time, you could make a quick sale, and you could move on with your life. However, this is something that often cost the seller thousands of dollars more than just simply taking care of the animal problem prior to the sale. You would be amazed at how a simple $100.00 service can turn into $1000.00 at the point of the home sale just because the buyer doesn’t know what to expect and is unsure what it is going to ultimately cost.

How can we help:

We recommend remedying the animal situation but not going above and beyond by taking additional preventive measures to prevent future animal problems from occurring. In this type of situation you certainly don’t want to leave someone with an animal problem but also you don’t want to go to great expense for long term preventive animal control when you will no longer be living in the home.

We can perform a full inspection of the home and work on the seller’s behalf to insure that things are handle professionally and cost effectively. During the animal inspection we inspect the roof, soffits, fascia, gutters, vents, attic, crawl space, foundation, deck, porch, patio, and any other necessary areas where animal activity can occur. We look for signs like droppings, urine, disturbance to insulation, rub marks, paw prints, chew marks, scratch marks, damaged wiring, damaged duct piping, animal fur, smells, and sounds. We also use high tech equipment to complete these inspections such as thermal detection cameras, pin hole cameras, motion cameras, and listening devices. We determine if there are wild animals currently living in the home or if there is any evidence that wild animals have lived in the home in the past. We will also give you recommendations for how to remedy the animal problem, recommendations for cleanup, and recommendations for preventive measures so that the animal problem doesn’t occur again. We also provide warranties on the repair services we offer so that you can be at ease knowing that you are covered in the instance an animal returns.

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