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Animal Remover, Your Trusted Commercial Bat Removal Company

Bats are an essential part of the ecosystem. They can also be a nuisance and present health hazards to humans when they enter or roost in commercial buildings. Bats can carry diseases such as rabies and histoplasmosis, and their droppings can contaminate food and surfaces, causing employee hazards. With bats, there is also the risk of someone being bitten and contracting rabies.

Why Hire Animal Remover?

Animal Remover is a professional bat removal company with the experience and expertise to safely and effectively remove bats from commercial buildings. We use a six-step process for brown bat removal and exclusion:

We will thoroughly review your property to identify all potential bat entry points.

We will seal all bat entry points, except the main entry points, and install bat excluders at the main entry points.

We will monitor the bat excluders for 1-2 weeks to ensure all bats have exited the structure.

Removal of Bat Excluders
Once confirmed that all bats have exited the structure, we will remove the bat excluders and seal the main bat entry points.

Clean up
We will clean up any bat guano that may be present in the attic space.


Additional Information

Bats are nocturnal animals.

Brown bats are almost always found in groups, so removing all of the bats from a roost is important before sealing up the entry points.

Bat removal can be complex, so hiring a company with experience and expertise is essential.

Protect your commercial building and your employees from the hazards of bats.

Animal Remover: Your Comprehensive Commercial Bat Removal Solution Bats are fascinating creatures, but they can also be a nuisance and a health hazard when they enter commercial buildings. Animal Remover is a professional bat removal company that offers a comprehensive solution to bat problems, from inspection and exclusion to cleanup and prevention.

Our experienced wildlife specialists will thoroughly inspect your property to identify all potential bat entry points. This includes checking the attic, roof, soffits, fascia, gutters, siding, foundation, basement, crawl space, vents, and other areas where bats can enter. Special attention will be paid to areas with gaps and cracks, as bats can squeeze through tiny openings (as small as 1/4 inch).

  • Look for signs of bat activity, such as bat guano (bat droppings), grease marks, and bat rub marks.
  • Identify all potential bat entry points, such as gaps and cracks in the exterior of the building, vents, and chimneys.
  • Determine the main bat entry points, which are the ones the bats use most.
  • Assess the severity of the bat problem and develop a plan for removal and exclusion.

Once the inspection is complete, our wildlife specialist will begin the exclusion process. This involves sealing up all bat entry points except the main entry points. Bat excluders will then be installed at the main entry points. Bat excluders are one-way devices that allow bats to exit the structure but not to return.

We use various materials to seal bat entry points, including caulk, sealant, and hardware cloth. We take the utmost care to thoroughly fill all the entry points, as even a tiny opening can allow bats to re-enter the structure.
We use various materials to seal bat entry points, depending on the location and the opening size. Some of the materials we commonly use include:

  • Exterior Grade Caulking.
  • Sealant.
  • Hardware cloth.
  • Sheet metal.
  • Stainless Steel Impregnated Fill Fabric.

Installation of Bat Excluders
Bat excluders are installed precisely to ensure that the bats can safely exit the structure but not return. We are experienced in installing all types of bat excluders and will ensure that they are installed correctly to ensure their effectiveness.

Once the bat excluders are installed, we will monitor them for 1-2 weeks to ensure that all bats have exited the structure. We do this by checking the bat excluders for grease marks and monitoring the attic space for any new signs of bat activity.

Removal of Bat Excluders and Sealing of Main Entry Points
Once confirmed that all the bats have exited the structure, we will remove the bat excluders and seal the main entry points. We use the same materials and techniques that we used to seal the other entry points. We will also clean up any bat guano that may be present in the attic space.

Bat Guano Cleanup
Bat guano is a biohazard and is a significant health hazard to humans and pets. When bat guano is present, you are at risk of Histoplasma capsulatum, the fungus that causes histoplasmosis. We use a specialized process to clean up bat guano safely and effectively. The process includes:

  • Removing the bat guano and urine-soiled attic insulation from the attic space
  • Disinfecting the area with a biohazard-approved disinfectant
  • Encapsulating any areas where there is seepage from bat droppings or urine with a sealant to prevent further contamination

Once we have removed the bats and cleaned up the guano, we will work with you to develop a plan to prevent bats from roosting in your building. This may involve sealing up any remaining entry points and installing screens on vents.

  • Sealing up any remaining entry points, no matter how small.
  • Installing screens on vents and chimneys.
  • Eliminating food sources that may attract bats, such as mosquitos.

Why Choose Animal Remover?

We are a licensed and insured bat removal company with years of experience in the industry. We have provided bat removal services on thousands of commercial buildings.

We use a comprehensive approach to remove bats, including inspection, exclusion, cleanup, monitoring, and prevention.

We are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality service at competitive prices.


We understand that a bat problem can be a stressful and frustrating experience. That's why we offer a comprehensive commercial bat removal solution to rid your building of bats and prevent them from returning. Our experienced wildlife specialists are trained and equipped to handle any bat problem, no matter how severe..

If you have a bat problem in your commercial building, contact Animal Remover today for a free quote on our bat removal services.
