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Wildlife Control Homeowners Insurance

Animal Remover is a full service Nuisance Wildlife Control firm that prides itself on ecologically solid and humane wildlife control solutions.

Home Owners Insurance Regarding Wildlife Control & Nuisance Animal Damage Coverage

Read this before contacting your insurance company in regards to animal damage.

Damage caused to your home due to wild animals may be covered by your homeowners insurance policy. Damage caused to your business or church due to wild animals may be covered by your commercial insurance policy. Over the years here at Animal Remover, LLC our wildlife control team has perfected the task of working with insurance companies to get our customers the insurance coverage they pay for and deserve.

Many insurance companies have a clause in their policies stating “We do not insure for loss caused by vermin, rodents, domestic animals, or insects.” Of course raccoons, bats, and skunks are not birds, vermin, rodents, insects, and that is how our customers are able to get coverage for loss when dealing with these specific wildlife control issues. Raccoons are mammals in the order of procyonid and are not birds, rodents, vermin, or insects. Bats are also mammals in the order of chiroptera and are not rodents, vermin, domestic animals, or insects. Skunks are in the order of musteloidea and are not rodents, vermin, domestic animals, or insects.

Squirrels, mice, rats, groundhogs, chipmunks, rabbits, capybara, nutria, muskrats, flying squirrels, and beavers are members of the rodentia family and do fall within that rodent category. However, all insurance policies are different and you may still have coverage in that instance when dealing with wildlife control issues involving those animals.

If you do have coverage for a loss due to animal damage, your insurance company may only insure you for loss caused by the animals, such as a hole chewed in the roof, damage to attic insulation, damage to crawl space insulation, damage to wooden, vinyl, or aluminum siding, damage to gutters, damage to soffits, etc. They may not insure you for the actual cost of the wildlife control service, such as trapping the raccoons from the attic, or trapping the skunks living in the crawl space. The removal cost of the animals is usually minimal compared to the cost of damage repair.

Some insurance companies may have never dealt with a wildlife control animal claim and may automatically assume that they do not provide coverage without sighting the policy. It’s always good to call the corporate office rather than your agent to see if you have coverage regarding wild animal damage. If you find out that you do not have coverage, your insurance company must send you a letter of denial sighting specifically within the policy where it says that you do not have coverage. It is very important to make sure that you have coverage before filing a claim with your insurance company.

You must always determine how the damage was originally created. For instance, if a tree fell and put a hole in your roof, squirrels took up residence and caused damage, you may be covered due to weather damage. It is very important that you contact your insurance company as soon as you are aware that you have experienced loss. The goal is to stop damage before any more occurs. That’s why it’s so important to call your insurance company and Animal Remover, LLC so that we remove the animals and stop any more damage from occurring.

We provide a full nuisance wildlife control and damage control service. We can remove the animals and restore the damaged areas back to their original state. We have worked with most insurance companies and are familiar with how they operate and what coverage they provide. If you need assistance in working with your insurance, please contact us today.

Common Terms

Below is a list of words and definitions commonly used by insurance companies regarding wildlife control and damage coverage. (Source:

ro·dent - noun \ˈrō-dənt{cur}

: a small animal (such as a mouse, rat, squirrel, or beaver) that has sharp front teeth
Medical Dictionary
: any mammal (as a mouse or rat) of the order Rodentia
Example of RODENT
I used a rodent trap to capture the mouse living in my kitchen.

in·sect - noun \ˈin-ˌsekt{cur}

: a small animal that has six legs and a body formed of three parts and that may have wings
: an animal (such as a spider) that is similar to an insect
Medical Dictionary
: any arthropod of the class Insecta
Example of INSECT
A swarm of flying insects.

ver·min - noun \ˈvər-mən{cur}

: small insects and animals (such as fleas or mice) that are sometimes harmful to plants or other animals and that are difficult to get rid of
Medical Dictionary
: small common harmful or objectionable animals (as lice or fleas) that are difficult to control
Example of VERMIN
The room was crawling with roaches and other vermin.

pol·lu·tion - noun \pə-ˈlü-shən{cur}

: the action or process of making land, water, air, etc., dirty and not safe or suitable to use
: substances that make land, water, air, etc., dirty and not safe or suitable to use
: the action of polluting especially by environmental contamination with man-made waste; also : the condition of being polluted
Medical Dictionary
: the action of polluting or the condition of being polluted
Example of POLLUTION
industrial practices that have caused pollution of the air and water The tests showed high levels of pollution in the water.
The fish are dying of pollution.
