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Cincinnati Muskrat Removal & Control

At Animal Remover we provide safe, humane, reliable, and effective muskrat removal, trapping, and control. If you have a muskrat or a family of muskrats that are causing damage to your pond we can help.


Muskrat Removal

There is not a muskrat problem that we can’t handle. Muskrats dig tunnels around the shoreline of your pond lowering the water levels and killing aquatic vegetation. Muskrats will build small huts along the shoreline of your pond where they will birth their young. We use only the most up to date muskrat removal equipment, traps, and techniques to take care of your problem.

Muskrat Removal, Trapping & Control in Cincinnati, NKY, Oxford & Dayton

Muskrats are classified as a nuisance animal species due to their habits of eating aquatic vegetation, destroying ponds, and causing damage to irrigation canals. The most common wildlife control complaints involving muskrats include the following:

For these reasons, many people wish to have nuisance muskrats trapped and removed from their property. Effective muskrat removal is possible with Animal Remover.

Muskrats eating aquatic vegetation

Muskrats digging holes in the banks of ponds

Muskrats draining ponds due to burrowing

Muskrats causing damage to irrigation canal

Muskrats eating crops

Muskrats eating lawn grass

Muskrats eating ornamental plants


Muskrat Biology

Muskrats (Castor Canadensis) are seldom found far from water and have medium to dark brown fur and a long rat like tail. Muskrats are 18-25 inches long and weigh on average from 2-5 lbs. Muskrats breed March through August and have a 28 day gestation period. Female muskrats breed 1-4 times a year and on average have 6-7 baby muskrats per litter. Life expectancy for muskrats is 3-4 years but they can live as long as 10 years in the wild.

Muskrat Behavior

Muskrats are nocturnal which means they are active during the night. Muskrats do not hibernate and are active all year long. They eat a range of aquatic vegetation (including but not limited to) cattails, sedges, bulrush, arrowhead, water lilies, pondweed, and ferns. Muskrats will also eat farm crops such as alfalfa, corn, and clover.


Nuisance Concerns

Muskrats cause major damage to ponds by digging burrows in the bank. Muskrats also use aquatic vegetation as a food source.

Muskrat Diseases

Muskrats are very vulnerable to tularemia, also known as O’Hara’s fever. This is an infectious disease that is caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis. Muskrats also carry a vast variety of parasites, making muskrat removal even more vital to the health of human beings nearby.


How to get rid of muskrats:

The only proven method for muskrat removal is through trapping, habitat modification, and exclusion. Muskrats will not respond to repellents, strobe lights, loud music, mothballs, or ammonia. We have traveled to many properties where these methods have failed. The key to muskrat prevention is to monitor the water levels of your pond and make sure that the water level never fluctuates more than 6 inches. We provide professional and humane muskrat trapping, removal, and control. Call Animal Remover today to schedule an appointment so that we can catch the muskrats that are causing problems in your pond.

We offer Muskrat Removal Services in the following areas:

Cincinnati OH, West Chester OH, Mason OH, Fairfield OH, Oxford OH, Northern KY and SE IN
